Saturday, April 5, 2025
3 PM
Mysterious England, with Alice K. Boatwright & Candace Robb
Edmonds Library
650 Main St.
Edmonds, WA 98020

Catch up with Marty’s previous virtual events!

Marty discusses The Librarian Always Rings Twice with Lesa Holstein (The Poisoned Pen)
Marty and author Ellie Alexander in conversation (Third Place Books)

Author Chat with Connie Berry, Anna Lee Huber & Marty

Hannah Dennison, Marty and Jan Bono read from their latest books (WordFest)
Jenn McKinlay (Library Lover’s mysteries) and Marty discuss libraries, books, and murder (Murder by the Book)
Hannah Dennison (Island Sisters mysteries; Honeychurch Hall mysteries) and Marty talk about the enduring allure of setting a mystery in England (Third Place Books)